Email - Getting Started
Once you've created a Messaging List and set up your audience of Subscribers and Contacts, you're ready to create an Email Message.
Click the "New Email" button to get started.
The "Description" won't appear on the email - it's just an internal label for you. Choose a template to start with. "Responsive" templates will automatically adapt to look good on a computer, tablet or phone. With the majority of email message being opened on phones, these are definitely the best choices.
The Editor - Toolbars, Menus and Hotkeys
The email editor uses blocks (e.g. text, image, heading, list) to build and customize your message. The main toolbar is always displayed at the top of the editor.
When you click on a block (i.e. text, image, etc.), the block button will appear beside it.
Use the block button to drag the block up or down in the message. Click the block button to see the block menu.
Highlighting a selection of text brings up a context toolbar. All of these options are also available in the main toolbar at the top.
Click the "hotkeys" icon to see the list of available hotkeys.
Let's take a closer look at the main toolbar.
Use merge fields, like "*|FIRST_NAME|*" in the example, to customize your message for each recipient.
Click the "Save" button to edit other settings for the message and send it.
Plain-text content
Why plain-text? Many mail providers treat the lack of a plain-text version as an indicator of a "lazy" spammer. Even if none of your subscribers choose the plain-text version, having it ensures that your message reaches as many of your audience as possible.
You can also use "Merge fields" to personalize Plain-text. To add a merge field, find it in the list on the right, click the "copy" icon beside it and paste it into your message.
Keep in mind that you can include URLs (for sites, files or images) in Plain-text, although they will be text (e.g. <a href="https://www.eadventist/net/newsletter"></a>) rather than links.
Attachments - To ensure that your messages are not blocked, eAdventist no longer sends file attachments. When you add a file, it will be hosted on eAdventist and a link is inserted in your message.
Send a test message
Once you save the message, "Preview" will give an idea what it will look like to your audience. However, the best way to check it is to send a "Test email" to yourself, then open on a variety of devices (computer, tablet, phone) and email clients (Outlook, Gmail, Mail).
Send, for real!
When you're ready, click the "Send" button and your message will be queued for delivery. eAdventist will track each person that receives and opens it, as well as any that "bounce".