Messaging Lists - Create a List

It only takes a few steps to create a new Messaging List - a powerful way to communicate by email and text messaging.

1. Create the list

Choose the "messaging lists" menu option (under the "Reports & Tools" menu section). On the Messaging Lists page, click the "New list" button.

If your eAdventist account has access to more than one church, you will need to choose from them.

The From name and From email are required. Each time you create a Message, you have the option to use the defaults or enter a different name and email.

2. Add your audience

On the Messaging List page, the "Audience" box shows who is on your list.You can add Subscribers from both the People (members and nonmembers of your church)and Contacts  (visitors, interests, former members, etc.) sections of eAdventist.

Click the "Add subscribers" button to see the people in your audience who have email addresses. You can subscribe them one-by-one or click the "Subscribe all" button. Each message you send will include an "Unsubscribe" link that they can use to unsubscribe from the list, if they choose to.

Click the "Subscribers" link to see the complete list of subscribers. You can unsubscribe them, if necessary.

The "Unsubscribed" link shows a list of people that have unsubscribed themselves or been unsubscribed by you. The "Bounce" link shows any subscribers that eAdventist has been unable to deliver a message to.

The "Audience" box shows the total number of Subscribers - both People and Contacts that your messages will reach. 

Ready to send

You're ready to create your first Message! Just click the "New Message" button.

Adding other List users

You can allow other people in your church or conference to use the List. Click the "Edit Users" button to add them.

The "User" drop-down will show any people who have access to the Messaging List features. Select the person and click the "Add" button.

Click the "edit" icon to change the settings for a List User.

The Text to List option allows the person to send text messages from their phone to the List's SMS number - and eAdventist will automatically send it to the entire List.

WARNING: Be sure to disable Text to List if the person has auto-replies enabled on their phone or smart watch - otherwise the replies will be sent to the entire List.

Choose the appropriate Permission level. "List admin" can change anything on the LIst, "Sender" can manage Subscribers and send messages.

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