Transfers - Outbound

Transferring a member out of your church from another church involves 3 steps:

  1. A Request is created - the other clerk
  2. Enter a Grant vote - you
  3. Enter an Accept vote - the other clerk
TIP: You can request a transfer into your church but not out of your church. The other clerk needs to make that request.

A Request is created

eAdventist will notify you when a new Request has been created. It will send you an email (or postal mail) and display in the "Transfer Reminders" (on the Home page). To see the new Request, either click on the "Transfers to Grant" link or choose the "transfers" menu option (under the "People" menu section).

The Request will show on the "To grant" tab of the Transfers page. Click the "View" link.

Entering a Grant vote

When your church has voted to "Grant" the Request, click the "Grant/Deny" button.

eAdventist will help you find the member by searching for a match in your church's records. Select the correct member, enter the "Voted" date and click the "Save" button.

TIP: If eAdventist is unable to find the member, you can adjust the "Search last name" or "Search first name" values and click the "Search" button.

eAdventist will notify the other clerk by email (or postal mail). The "Email" tab shows the messages that have been sent.

That's it! Your part is done and the other church needs to Accept the request. 

Wait for the Accept vote

The Request will show on the "To accept" tab of the Transfers page with an amber "light" - indicating that you are waiting for the other church.

eAdventist will notify you by email (or postal mail) when the other church enters their "Accept" vote and the request will show on the "Completed" page of the Transfers page. The member now belongs to the other church and you will no longer be able to view his/her Person page.

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