Adding a Member (Baptism or PoF)

Members can be added in 5 ways:

  1. Baptism - current or old baptism in your church
  2. Profession of Faith - current or old PoF in your church 
  3. Prior Baptism/ProfOfFaith/Transfer - for churches with incomplete membership records in eAdventist (special case)
  4. Transfer from International Church - move existing membership from an off-system church (doesn't use eAdventist)
  5. Transfer from North American Church - move existing membership from an online or offline church (uses eAdventist)


Be sure that the person has already been added as a "nonmember". Use Person Search to find them. Click on the name in the results list.

This will take you to the Person page. Click on the "Change Status" button to record the baptism.

On the Change Status/Rebaptize page, "to Member" and "Baptism" are default values so just enter (1) the baptism date and lick the "Save" button.

This will take you to the Baptism Info screen. This information is optional and can be added or edited later, if necessary. Click the "Save" button once more.

You should see some changes on the Person page. The Member status has changed from "Nonmember" to "Member" and the Baptism information is now on the "Membership" tab. Done!

Profession of Faith

Follow the same steps as Baptism to find the "Nonmember" record and click the "Change Status" button to record the Profession of Faith. This will take you to the Change Status screen. Change "Member by" (1) to "Profession of Faith" and enter date (2). Click the "Save" button and you're done!

For more information on Profession of Faith, see Profession of Faith.

Adding an existing Members who was never recorded in eAdventist

In special cases where a church does not have complete membership records in eAdventist, members can be added by "Prior Baptism", "Prior PoF" or "Prior Transfer". Church clerks can ask their conference clerk to make these changes for them.

Transfer from International Church

See International Transfers - Inbound.

Transfer from North American Church

See Transfers - Inbound.

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