CT 1.2: Adding a Large Family (of four)

Clerk Tutorial 1: Basics

Start here:  Intro
Exercise 1 : Adding a Family (of one)
Exercise 2: Adding a Large Family (of four)
Exercise 3:  Family Changes
Exercise 4: Fixing Mistakes

Exercise 2: Adding a Large Family (of four)

The family includes Wendy, who was baptized and voted into your church last Sabbath. Her husband, Harold, is not a member yet and neither are her 2 children. Wendy should be the "Primary Contact", so it's easiest to enter her first. Use the following information to add her:

Last name (your last name)
First name Wendy
Gender Female
Church (your church)
Address 1 Dock St, Annapolis MD 21401
Born on May 7, 1970
Work phone 302-555-9999
Mobile phone 302-555-8888

Step 1 - Add the First Person

  1. Choose the purple People menu section on the left, then choose new family.
  2. On the top half of the Person screen, enter Wendy's information. Click the "Save" button.
  3. Click the "Change Status" button and enter Wendy's baptism, using last Sabbath's date.
  4. On the Baptism Information screen, leave all fields empty and click the "Save" button. Wendy has been added and is now a "member" of your church!
TIP: eAdventist's "Auto-certify" will automatically fill in the "Postal Code" if the address is valid. You can test this by leaving "Postal Code" blank when you click "Save".

Step 2 - Add the Spouse

If you just completed Step 1, Wendy's record is already on your screen. Now you can add people to the family

  1. Click the "New Person" button. Note that the new Person screen already has several fields filled with default values to save you keystrokes.
  2. Add Harold with the following information:
First name Harold
Church (your church)
Gender Male
Marital status Married
Born on October 8, 1978
Work phone 301-555-7777
Mobile phone 301-555-6666
  1. Click the "Save" button. Harold is now a "nonmember" and Wendy is still the Primary Contact.
  2. Wendy would like the union paper label to say "Mr & Mrs Harold (your last name)", rather than just "Wendy (your last name)", the Primary Contact. Click the "Edit Person" button. On the "Family Unit" tab, change the "Mailing name" to "Mr & Mrs Harold (your last name)" and click the "Save" button.

Step 3 - Add the Children

Wendy has 2 children - a son, Allen, and a daughter, Barbara.

  1. Click the "New Person" button to add Allen.
  2. Enter Allen's information: male, single, belongs to your church, born September 3, 1991. Don't click the "Save" button yet.
  3. Allen is a sophomore at University of Maryland. Click the "Student" tab, set "Grade" to "14", set "School type" to "Non-SDA" and enter "University of Maryland" as the "School (Non-SDA)". Click the "Save" button.
  4. Click the "New Person" button again to add Barbara.
  5. Enter Barbara's information: female, single, belongs to your church, born November 15, 1992. Don't click the "Save" button yet.
  6. Barbara is in 10th grade at Takoma Academy. Click the "Student" tab, set "Grade" to "10" and set "School type" to "SDA". Click the "Select" button beside "School (SDA)", find "Takoma Academy" and select it. Click the "Save" button.

Step 4 - Baptize a Family Member

Allen was also baptized last Sabbath at your church.

  1. The "Family Unit" tab shows a grid listing everybody in the Family. Click on Allen's name to view his record.
  2. Click the "Change Status" button and enter the baptism (Change to Member by "Baptism" on "(last Sabbath)").
  3. Pastor Dewayne Richards baptized Allen. On the Baptism Information screen, set "Pastor" to "Dewayne Richards" and click the "Save" button. (NOTE: Only enter the pastor's name, not "Pastor Dewayne Richards").

Step 5 - Add a Temporary Address

Wendy and Harold often spend the summer in New England and would like any church mailings to be sent there.

  1. Go to the Person page for any member of the family. Note that addresses belong to the family, so any address change will affect the entire family.
  2. Note that the "Addresses" tab bar currently has the "Street" address selected and the word "Default" is displayed in blue above the address.
  3. Click the "Edit Person" button.
  4. Select the "Alternate" tab on the "Addresses" tab bar.
  5. Enter the family's summer address: 75 South St, Gorham ME.  Change the "Default address type" to "Alternate" and click the "Save" button.
  6. The "Addresses" tab bar should have "Alternate" selected, "Default" should be displayed in blue above the address and Auto-certify should have automatically added the "Postal Code".
  7. Although the "Street" address is still entered, any mailing labels will use the "Alternate" address.
  8. When the family returns from vacation, click the "Edit Person" button, change the "Default address type" back to "Street" and click the "Save" button.
  9. Any mailing labels will now use the "Street" address again.

Step 6 - Changing an Address

Wendy and Harold have just moved to "1410 West St", so the family's "Street" address needs to be updated.

  1. Go to the Person page for any member of the family.
  2. Click the "Edit Person" button.
  3. Enter the new address and click the "Save" button.
  4. Click on any other family member's name (in the Family Unit grid) to verify that the address change affects the entire family.
TRY: Click the "History" link on the Person page and explore the tabs - "History", "Family", "Address" and "Phone". Note that any changes to "Work phone" or "Mobile phone" are on the "History" tab rather than the "Phone" tab because they belong to a specific Person rather than being shared by the Family.
Continue to Exercise 3 - Family Changes

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