SMS Opt-in

As of August 31, 2023, mobile carriers in the US will block all business (A2P) messages sent from unregistered phone numbers. The registration process requires an opt-in process where each customer gives your business (e.g. church, conference) explicit consent to send them SMS messages.

eAdventist's SMS opt-in process:

  1. Church clerk, pastor or member enters a person's "Mobile phone" in eAdventist if it has been provided (e.g. verbally, by email, by paper) by a member or community contact.

  1. The list manager (e.g. clerk, pastor, etc.) adds a person (or contact) to the LIst as a Subscriber. The subscriber will receive any email messages that are sent. However, no text messages will be sent until the subscriber opts in for text messaging.

  1. eAdventist sends an SMS invitation that identifies the church, the list and includes "Reply YES to opt in". If/when the person opts in by replying YES, eAdventist sends a welcome message that includes "Reply STOP to unsubscribe, HELP for help".

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