Adding pictures

Adding pictures of people, families and organizations brings your eAdventist data to life.

Crop and resize

eAdventist allows to crop and resize both existing images and new ones.

Edit pictures with these controls:

  1. Zoom - shrink or enlarge the image within the cropping window
  2. Reposition - click and drag to move the image within the cropping window
  3. Save - eAdventist saves the edited image in 2 sizes - for People 120x160 and 768x1024, for Families and Organizations 160x120 and 1024x768

Previously, eAdventist automatically resized images to fit - resulting in empty space above/below or right/left if the image didn't have a 3:4 or 4:3 aspect ratio. See the example below.

This made the Photo Section of the Church Directory looks sloppy if the Family photos had a variety of dimensions. Now, eAdventist ensures that the image fills the space, then allows you to resize and reposition within the cropping window.

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