Subscribers & Sponsors

Each conference or union can keep their own list of Subscribers independent of membership records. Common examples include:

  • Complimentary union paper subscriptions for retired pastors
  • Union paper bundles sent to college dormitories
  • Paid subscriptions to members who have moved to another union


Adding a new Subscriber will look like this.

Enter Last name, First name & Salutation if the subscriber is a person or enter Company if the subscriber is an organization. 

Choose a Subscription group to determine how the subscription will be billed.

Use Active, Start date and Expiry date (n/a for Complimentary groups) to start and stop the subscription. Suspended can be used to temporarily pause the subscription. Choose a Sponsor if the group is Sponsored.

USPS keyline is the ID that is included on each label to identify the subscriber. 

For addresses in the US (or territories) and Canada, check Auto-certify to have eAdventist verify that the address exists and is formatted correctly.


Sponsors pay for subscriptions to be sent to other people. This is primarily used for union paper subscriptions.

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