Church Vitality

Church Vitality is frequently assessed with 3 basic indicators - Attendance, Baptisms and Contributions. It's like height, weight, blood pressure, and pulse that you get taken at the doctor. It doesn't tell you everything, but their rates are signals that there might be a problem or that things are going well.

In 2021, the NAD Evangelism Advisory established 4 categories of Church Vitality to provide helpful diagnoses for Church Revitalization.

Multiplying >= 7% of Attendance in past yr AND             >= 7% increase in past yr in past 7 yrs
Growing > 2% of Attendance in past yr AND > 2% increase in past yr
Plateauing ... ... ...
Declining 0% in past yr OR < -2% increase in past yr

Find the Church Vitality for any congregation on the "Reports" tab (of the Organization page). The "Attendance %", "Baptism %" and "Ch Plant" columns show the individual criteria and the "Category" column shows the overall vitality for each year.

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