Messaging Lists - Unsubscribing

One of the most important aspects of a Messaging List is ensuring that your messages reach as many people who want them as possible, without "spamming" people who don't want to receive them. The owners/admins of the List can "unsubscribe" Subscribers in a couple of different ways. 

There are also a couple of ways that subscribers can "unsubscribe" themselves. Each email message includes an "unsubscribe" link that they can click. Also, replying STOP to a text message will unsubscribe the person from all email and text messages.

Unsubscribing Multiple People

Click the "Subscribers" link in the "Audience" panel to see a list of current Subscribers.

The Subscribers page allows you to "unsubscribe" a person by clicking on the "minus" icon next to their name. eAdventist will not send an email (or text message) confirming that they have been unsubscribed.

TIP: Use the "Unsubscribed" link to see a list of people who are still eligible for your List and re-subscribe them, if necessary.

Unsubscribe a Person

You can also use the "List" tab on the Person page to see the Messaging Lists available to the person. Click the "unsubscribe" link to remove the person from the List.

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