Updating schools
eAdventist is the NAD's official organization list that Data Rollup and other Education sites rely on, so any changes need to be made in eAdventist.
Find the schools
On the Welcome page, click the "schools" link for a complete list of your active schools.
Select the school by clicking on its name.
Verify the school's info
The key fields in eAdventist that Data Rollup relies on are:
- Name
- Legal name (optional)
- Type
- School size
- Addresses - street & mail (optional)
- Phones - main & fax (optional)
- Web site
- Officers (principal, head teacher)
Click the "Edit Organization" button to update everything - except Officers.
Update the school's info
Update the information on the upper portion of the screen and the "Directory" tab, then click the "Save" button.
School Size definitions:
- 1 = 1 full-time teacher in 1-8
- 2 = 2 full-time teachers in K-8
- 3 = 3 full-time teachers in K-10
- 4 = 4+ full-time teachers & a principal)
Update the officers
To update an existing officer, click the Office title. To add a new officer, click the "New Officer" button.
Select the "Office title", then click the "Select person" link.
Select the person from your conference's eAdventist membership records.
Set the mail/phone/email preferences for the Officer and click the "Save"