Uploading Contacts

Contacts can be uploaded to eAdventist as a CSV file. Click the "Setup" menu option (under the Contacts menu section) and click the "Upload contacts" link. After a file has been uploaded, eAdventist will display the data - highlighting any errors. After verifying the data, you can "Merge" the uploaded records into your Contacts.

Upload file format

The first line of the file needs to be a header containing the names of any of the following columns that are included in the data:

Name Max size Required? Details
first_name 20 yes
last_name 20 yes
gender 1 no M=male, F=female
marital_status_id integer no 1=n/a, 2=single, 3=married,
4=widowed, 5=divorced, 6=separated
born_on 10 no use ISO format (yyyy-mm-dd)
age_group_id integer no 1=0-9, 2=10-19, 3=20-29, 4=30-39,
5=40-49, 6=50-59, 7=60-69, 8=70+
street_optional_line 40 no e.g. "Attn:", "C/O"
street_address 40 no
street_city 20 no
street_state 2 no state/province
street_postal_code 10 no ZIP code/postal code
street_country_code 3 no use ISO-2 (US=United States, CA=Canada,
BM=Bermuda, PR=Puerto Rico, GU=Guam)
home_phone 10 no
mobile_phone 10 no
email 100 no
mail_optional_line 40 no e.g. "Attn:", "C/O"
mail_address 40 no
mail_city 20 no
mail_state 2 no state/province
mail_postal_code 10 no ZIP code/postal code
mail_country_code 3 no use ISO-2 (US=United States, CA=Canada,
BM=Bermuda, PR=Puerto Rico, GU=Guam)
notes 255 no

Uploading from Disciples

eAdventist will also upload Contacts that are exported from Disciples as a CSV file with the following fields:

Name Max chars Required? Details
20 yes
last_name 20 yes
street 40 no
unit 10 no will be combined with "street"
city 30 no
state 2 no State/Province
postal_code 10 no Zip code/Postal code
country 2 no use ISO-2 (US=United States, CA=Canada,
BM=Bermuda, PR=Puerto Rico, GU=Guam)
phone_1 20 no Home phone
phone_2 20 no Mobile phone
email 100 no
notes 255 no

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