CT 2.1: Online Transfers

Clerk Tutorial 2: Transfers

Start here Intro
Exercise 1: Online Transfers  
  -  Transfer In
  -  Transfer Out 
Exercise 2:  Transfer Comments
Exercise 3:  Transfer TO an International Church
Exercise 4:  Transfer FROM and International Church

Exercise 1: Online Transfers

Working with a partner? Decide whether you will be A or Z. If you’re Z, start with “Transferring In” and, if you’re A, start with “Transferring Out”. After you complete the first transfer, switch roles and transfer the member back.

No partner? Ask your conference clerk to help

Transfer In

If you’re “Z”, start here then switch to  Transfer Out.

Ask your practice partner (or conference clerk) for the name of their church and the full name of the member that you can transfer for this exercise (“Harold” or another member). Record the information below. In a real transfer, the new member will contact you and provide their name and the church that holds their membership:

Full name of member ___________________________________________________________

Practice partner’s church ________________________________________________________

Step 1 – Request
  1. Choose the purple People menu section on the left, then choose transfers.
  2. On the Transfers screen, click the “Request Transfer” button.
  3. On the Request Transfer screen, leave “Transfer member” set to “to my church”. Click the “Select” link to choose the member’s current church (the granting church). This will open the Select Church pop-up.
  4. In the“Search for” field, enter part of the member’s current church name (the one you wrote down above), then click the “Search” button to display a list of all churches whose names match your criteria.
  5. Find the church in the search results. Select it by clicking the circle beside it, then click the “Ok” button.
  6. The To clerk of field should show the church you selected.  Select your church in the To join field and enter the member’s name in the Last name and First name fields. The Middle name, Suffix and Birth date fields are optional.
  7. Click the “Save” button to create the transfer request. eAdventist will notify the other clerk that you have created this new request.
  8. Notice that this transfer request is listed on the To grant tab, and has a yellow light beside it.  Yellow means wait while the other clerk grants the request.
Step 2 – Grant (your partner’s turn)
TIP: For practice transfers, your partner will let you know when they have granted the request. eAdventist will automatically notify you of your partner's changes by email. You can also check the “Transfer Reminders” section of the Home screen at any time to see how many transfers are waiting for your attention.
Step 3 - Accept
  1. Reload the Transfers screen and verify that the request is no longer included on the To grant tab. Now click the To accept tab.
  2. Notice that the request has moved to the To accept tab and has a green light again. Your request has been granted. For real transfers, you will take the member’s name to your church board or pastor for voting by the church board and congregation. For this practice transfer, you are the board and congregation and you just voted to approve the transfer. Click the View link to enter your vote.
  3. On the Transfer screen, you can see that the other clerk has granted the request. Click the “Accept/Decline” button to enter your final vote.
  4. Choose “Accepted” and enter the date of the vote, (e.g. September 3, 2013 in mm/dd/yyyy format) and click the “Save” button.
  5. This will take you back to the Transfer screen and shows that the member now belongs to your church.
  6. The member’s name should be a link. This indicates that the member belongs to your church and you can access his/her record. Click on the link to confirm this.
  7. The Person screen displays the member’s information. The lower part of the page shows all family members and which church they belong to.  If a family member belongs to a different church, you will see their name but it will not be a link since you do not have access to their record.
  8. Done! Switch roles and transfer the member back.

Transfer Out

If you’re “A”, start here, then switch to Transfer In.

  1. Choose the purple People menu section on the left, then choose transfers.
  2. On the Transfers screen, click the To grant tab and find the request that your partner just created.
Request (your partner's turn)
TIP: eAdventist will automatically notify you of your partner's entries by email. You can also check the “Transfer Reminders” section of the Home screen at any time to see how many transfers are waiting for your attention.
  1. Reload the Transfers screen and find the new request that your partner created. It will have a green light (“go”), indicating that it’s your church’s turn to vote on it. For a real transfer, you would take the member’s name to your church board or pastor for voting by the church board and congregation. For this practice transfer, you are the board and congregation and you just voted to grant the transfer.
  2. Click the View link to see the transfer. On the Transfer screen, notice that the transfer has been requested but not granted. Click the “Grant/Deny” button to enter your vote.
  3. On the Process Transfer Request screen, eAdventist will automatically attempt to find requested name in your member records. If you don’t see the member in the search results, you can adjust “Search last name” and “Search first name”, and click the “Search” button. When the search returns the member, select him/her from the results list.
  4. Set the “Action” to “Granted”, enter the Voted date (e.g. July 9, 2013 in m/d/yyyy format), and click the “Save” button.
  5.  eAdventist will notify the other clerk that your church has granted the transfer.  Notice that the Transfer screen shows your “Grant” vote. Click the Back to transfers link to return to the Transfers screen.
  6.  Click on the To accept tab and find the transfer that you granted. It now has a yellow light, indicating that you are waiting for the other clerk to accept the transfer.
Accept (your partner’s turn)

TIP: eAdventist will automatically notify you of your partner's entries by email. You can also check the “Transfer Reminders” section of the Home screen at any time to see how many transfers are waiting for your attention.

Check the results
  1. Reload the Transfers screen and verify that the request is no longer included on the To accept tab. Now click the Completed tab
  2. Notice that the request has moved to the To accept tab and has a green light again. Your request has been granted. If you don’t see the completed transfer, try increasing the value in Days to show and click “Save setting”.
  3. Let’s check if you can still access the member’s record. Click on search (under the People menu section).
  4. Enter the last name in the Last name field and click the “Search” button.
  5. You should see any other of member’s family listed in the search results, but not the outgoing member.
  6. If the member you transferred out has other family members remaining in your church, click to select one of them.  Notice that the outgoing member is now a member in your practice partner’s church.
  7. Done! Switch roles and transfer the same member back.
Continue to Exercise 2: Transfer Comments

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