Closing the Quarter

Closing a quarter is a simple, yet important, step that needs to be completed by the Conference Clerk. eAdventist will display a reminder starting the first day after the quarter ends.

NOTE: Each quarter needs to be closed no later than the 15th of each month. This allows other organizations (e.g. union, division, GC) to include conference statistics in their quarterly reports.

PRO TIP: Many conferences have discovered that delaying for late-reporting churches is a losing game and opt to close each quarter on the 1st day after the quarter ends.

o close the quarter, choose the "Close quarter" menu item (under the Admin section).

Then click the "Close quarter" button. eAdventist will save a "snapshot" of all of the statistical changes (e.g. baptisms, transfers, deaths) and open the new quarter. It also performs a balance check on the closed quarter to ensure that the numbers are correct. This process takes less than a second.

"SUCCESS" indicates that everything balanced and quarterly reports can be created. On rare occasions when something is out of balance, eAdventist will show the church that needs correction. Contact our eAdventist team and we will make the necessary correction for you.

That's it!

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